Axis 7
Participating laboratories
- LHEEA (Laboratoire de recherche en Hydrodynamique, Energétique et Environnement Atmosphérique) École Centrale de Nantes
- LOPS (Laboratoire Océanographie physique et spatiale) CNRS, UBO, IRD, Ifremer
- LCSM (Laboratoire Comportement des Structures en Mer) RDT-Ifremer
Scientific context
Surface gravity waves generally dominate in oceanic motions of scales under 1 kilometer. These are the scales of man-made or natural structures, from ships and platforms to windmills, coastal structures, or ice floes. Driven by high economical and societal stakes, our research partnership focuses on the understanding of interactions between waves and natural systems or artificial structures. We build on several fields of expertise (fluid and solid mechanics, statistics, physical oceanography, meteorology) in order to produce new understanding on physical processes, and reliable numerical methods and simulations for air-sea-structure interactions, at scales ranging from few centimeters to hundreds of kilometers.
- Wave dissipation rates,
- Pressure waves related to sea states,
- Generation, evolution and climatology of infra-gravity waves,
- Atmospheric flows and their coupling with sea states,
- Sea states and interactions with floating clusters,
- Hydrodynamic conditions for Marine Energy Devices,
- Deterministic prediction of sea states.
Expected results
Our research roadmap will push the frontiers of the state of the art in numerical modeling, observation techniques and related analysis tools for waves and their interactions with man-made or natural structures. These results will be used by our teams and the worldwide research and engineering communities for the hindcast, forecast, design or prediction of the dynamics for the environment and systems.
We will particularly encourage applications for marine renewable energy (estimation of resources and support to operations at sea), the understanding of atmosphere-wave-ocean interactions, in partnership with axis 1, and coastal hazards, in partnership with axis 5.
More information (downloads)
NEW : 2016-2019 axis 7 roadmap
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